Mid-Summer Sale!
Hello Friends!
After a recent trip back from Namibia to source some new and exciting material that we will be offering to you soon, I decided it was time to have a Mid-Summer Sale as a way to say Thank You to all of our customers!
Use code "RoughStone20" on your website order to receive 20% off your entire purchase. No minimum purchase amount necessary and the offer is good until midnight EST this Sunday, July 8th.
If you are not following us on Instragram yet, be sure to head over and give @RoughStoneRocks a like and a follow. I will be heading back to Namibia in a couple of weeks and you can follow me on my trip and see what new finds we discover. You can also find mineral specimens such as Brandberg and Goboboseb Amethyst crystals for sale there too!
Thanks and Happy Shopping!